Thursday, 17 December 2015


When all hell break lose
All I can feel was
Nothing at all
Maybe I am heartless
or because
I was a dead soul

Long long ago.


Tragedy strikes,everywhere,anytime
Sometimes small,sometimes big
I wished for it to never be too horrible
because it could be unbearable

Nothing moves me
Nothing shakes me
for a good 16 years

Then you came in to my little world
Taught me how to love
Took me out for food
Tell me all the words
I want to hear
As long as you are here

Loved me like
I was the only one left on earth

Loved me like
You were having the last day of your life

Full of wonder,full of joy

Then it disappeared
You were gone one day

How do I react
I will never understand
What to do
When your whole world is gone?

I felt lost
like a fish having its ocean drained
like a piano losing all the black keys
like the day without the night an empty shell without a soul but hollow echo of the memories you left

There are worst tragedies
Reasons to live better
People who worth all the wait

but this tragedy was silent
There was no reasons
and no more others
who could ever tell me what is love
the way you did,for the first time

What can be worst than having your heart broken
by the same person who taught you
That you have a heart?


I guess we were not the only ones left on earth