Tuesday 30 October 2012

That one moment

One moment,
enough to feel everything
enough to realize everything


Ever had those moments where you suddenly realized something?

That you're loved,you were wrong,you were...I don't know,not who you are?

I have few of those moments
Bear with me,this is a long post

I enjoy reading novels,usually Harry Potter during my free time
That one day,I woke up and stared at my notes on the wall

Notes with everything I've experienced
I stared for at least 1 hour
I just couldn't do anything on that day
I need a break

I know,at that moment,I was tired
I have been trying to please people who doesn't know how to appreciate me for the past few months
and I'm exhausted

The second time this happened was few weeks ago
My key-ring went missing
I kept it by my side for 2+ years

It was impossible for me to misplace it
But it went missing

I should've known
it was time to let go

Probably someone pick it up

...or it just don't wanna be found

The last time this happened was on 7th of October this year
The time I just decided to stay isolated
But after overhearing what I'm not supposed to hear
I know I was never alone

There are always ways and chances for someone to be loved
  or to love someone

no matter if they deserve your love,take the chances
Either learn a lesson or gain a bonus in life

Staying still is safe,but it doesn't get you anywhere further


People don't change for no reason

Sometimes I don't like to please people just for the sake of being in the circle
In fact,I feel uneasy around people I can't cope with

Some people talks a lot behind others,but they're still friends with the people they hate

I don't question that
but I don't kiss people's asses and take shit from them
Just because I can't be lonely

I didn't change,I just stop pleasing people I dislike

I used to carry this small little key-ring with me
It was broken at its first year
But I love it so much that I still put it in my pockets,purse or bag

I felt so safe when I brought it along
Like it was a part of me and will always be

I always thought I would never misplace it
but it happened.

Things change in life,they come and go for their own reasons
They may come back or not at all
you either wait for it or just move on with your life

In my case,I just have to let go of it
Maybe this way I will be happier

Maybe he is happier now too.

I like the phrase 'one in a million'

You see,some people think materialize things can be replaced easily
Some people think you can just get new friends whenever you lost your old ones

Not really

I met my best friend,got my own photo frame,video
They are all the one in a million things to me

Different people,places and things have different meanings to people

Everyone have their own unique taste or feelings towards someone or something

I've always thought my chances of meeting someone who's one in a million is already gone
I lost someone who took me for who I really am years ago

I regretted and never met that kind of person again
But then things changed

I am so glad that I have the chance of meeting 2 of these people in the crowd

Life's constantly changing,don't try to feel secure with not changing at all
After all,you only live once *YOLO! lol*

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